From the date of birth,our age is increasing and the number of days leftfor the death is decreasing. The life bridges the birth and death through numerous things. Sometimes accumulating all these things may put us emotionally down. To avoid such negative things it’s always ideal to make a fresh start everyday as if we have born on that particular day. This energizes us and keeps the life lively. Being energetic and live help you to think clearly, speak precisely, work effectively and more importantly keeps you happy. A refreshed mind is always an asset that guides you in the correct path, gives the positive attitude, aptly analyzes the situations, makes correct decisions and many more. Hence it’s important to stay freshen and relaxed so as to be a human being who can progress in the career as well as stay satisfied in his or her personal life. In order to make this possible it’ssensible to start every new day as a fresh day instead of carrying the negative things to the next new day.  

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